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Loopsin is a company created by four people passionate about new technologies. The leitmotiv of the company is to place the human being in the heart of innovative projects and adapted to his capacities so that he can see a common future with the Loopsin team.


"Loopsin is an overflowing technical ambition, an encouraged creativity, and the development of oneself, but above all a human story. These ambitions to always surpass ourselves go through the operational well-being of our teams both individually and collectively." 


Arnaud Pignon - CEO Loopsin Inc




To help our partners by answering permanently their needs is a will anchored at Loopsin. We always try to offer the best solutions to our partners and to adjust to all their requests. Our company knows how to adapt to many situations thanks to men and women of experience and skills.

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This is surely THE key value of the company. The reactivity of our teams has made it its trademark, and our business requires it on a daily basis, whether in our recruitment or in our responses to our partners.

Modern Work Space


Over the years, we have developed a high quality expertise to meet the needs of our technical and demanding customers. This expertise is based on qualified teams but also on a management style that is close to and in concert with our customers.

Les personnes travaillant dans Open Office


Whether with our partners or internally, we are attentive to the training of our employees. Every year, we commit resources to train our team on an ongoing basis. Our sectors of activities are in permanent technological evolution and we must adapt to it.

Standing Meeting
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